Even through the countless thoughts and imganiations,
the hallucinations of life,
The impressions of the mind,
The divine is working in you.
What then is his capacity
Dear Child when one is in a happy and Conscious Union!
Failure is only for those who have given up,
for indeed there is no victory that can be denied to the
Will of the Divine.
Caste aside your fears and insecurities,
they belong the past.
Awake oh Child of Infinity,
to the reality into which you are already born,
the reality of The Supreme,
The reality of The Oneness,
For in the end all equals one,
And even mighty zero is a representation,
Of the oneness of the whole.
the hallucinations of life,
The impressions of the mind,
The divine is working in you.
What then is his capacity
Dear Child when one is in a happy and Conscious Union!
Failure is only for those who have given up,
for indeed there is no victory that can be denied to the
Will of the Divine.
Caste aside your fears and insecurities,
they belong the past.
Awake oh Child of Infinity,
to the reality into which you are already born,
the reality of The Supreme,
The reality of The Oneness,
For in the end all equals one,
And even mighty zero is a representation,
Of the oneness of the whole.